The documentary film ‘Promise’ directed by Byung-hoon Min, will be presented at the JSW Cine Lounge. This film conveys a message of comfort and healing through nature, accompanied by 9-year-old boy’s poem dedicated to his mother. Experience a movie that will touch your heart and help you appreciate the importance of family at the JSW Cine Lounge. Proceeds will be donated through Jeju Olle, a corporation that manages the Olle-gil trails on Jeju Island.
[Special Event] 'Conversation with the audience'
Director Min Byung-hoon of the movie "Promise" and poet Min Si-woo are scheduled to visit the JSW Cine Lounge. Spend some time getting a deep understanding of the director's message through conversations with the audience after watching the movie. The book gift and fan signing time for poet Min Si-Woo’s poetry collection, “Thank you” and the deep lingering time have begun.
• Event schedule: 10/30 19:00 After movie screening